Imagine connecting and automating healthcare giving you more.

We do it.

Manage Images with eVue

eVue Logo

Manage images

With easier access you can view and manage captured images on any device from anywhere.

eVue is a cloud medical image management and viewing solution. It combines the power, utility and storage capacity inherent in cloud technology with the security, efficiency at real-time speed. Image files are saved in redundant repositories residing on the Microsoft Azure Cloud and are easily accessible.

eVue works hand-in-hand with Efferent’s SmartLinkTM technology to seamlessly collect images from medical digital devices. Images are available for immediate viewing while securing them to the cloud. From there the images can be accessed by anyone authorized in the medical practice, clinic, imaging center, supplier, or hospital.

Device manufacturers and other healthcare stakeholders can use the eVue solution to acquire images for evaluation, planning and custom-designed implants.

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Exchange images

With secure access sharing images are available anytime, anywhere, and your ability to collaborate on important cases will give you piece of mind.

SmartShare is Efferent’s image access share technology that improves referrals, trauma transfers and second opinion collaborations by quickly, efficiently, and securely facilitating image access exchange anytime from anywhere using Cloud technology. This means no more unsecure CD burning.

Healthcare relies on SmartShare for real-time, secure access exchange of images, patient data and powerful diagnostic tools.

Exchange images with Smartshare
Plan Procedures with eFit
eFit Logo

Plan procedures

Why store multiple hip replacement sizes when you can accurately plan your surgery and order only what you need?

eFit is Efferent’s surgical planning, case management and device logistics solution. Surgeons and medical industries use eFit to plan surgical procedures in less than a minute!

eFit offers surgeons and medical industries a complete solution-based on digital x-rays, facilitating more predictable and superior patient outcomes – evolving with AI.

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Automate operations

Scheduling, organizing, sharing data, managing the office, etc. is no longer a challenge.

eCue (Patent Pending), a cloud-based Clinical Operations Management System (COMS), automates clinical operations such as scheduling, resource allocation, image and EHR data access sharing. eCue eliminates hand-offs, fax distributions, unnecessary phone calls and other inefficiencies that slow down the delivery of healthcare.

eCue helps healthcare personnel perform work tasks by centralizing, organizing and distributing all tangible data, assets and resources involved in patient care.

This includes:

  • Medical and support personnel
  • Implants and other devices
  • Required services
  • Test results
  • Documents
  • Images

Using eCue, your entire team and ancillary personnel have access to the data needed in real time to schedule procedures, order devices and services, assign roles, communicate critical updates, and review the status of any patient and procedure.

Visit with us, we are here to chat   888-805-5036

Automate Operations with eCue
Store images with ebank
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Store images

You can find images and PHI data securely in one place, with large scalable capacity and secure access.

eBank is Efferent’s vendor neutral archival system. It serves as the secure, cloud-based single source of an image and other patient data for our eVue and eCue solutions.

See it in Action